
中央社区学院提供了一系列与质量和过程改进相关的课程. These courses can be offered at the college or on site. 我们可以定制我们的培训计划,以满足您组织的独特需求和文化. 

Our courses offer convenience, 灵活性和相关性,因为它们基于现实世界的应用,并由行业专家教授. 此外,我们灵活的培训确保您在需要的时候得到您所需要的. 个人也有能力将这些课程应用于证书, diploma and degree in the Quality Technology program.

You’ll find the classes we offer listed below, and you can expand the tabs to see course descriptions. You can find upcoming courses with our 社区 & 行业类别搜索. 请记住,我们也可以定制课程,以满足您的具体需求.



介绍蓝图阅读的基本技能和概念,包括阅读和解释图纸,包括正字法和图形可视化, dimensional systems and nomenclature, 几何形状控制. 在完成, 学生应该能够理解基本的蓝图,并将零件的特征可视化.


  • 识别图纸中的几何形状和特征的类型
  • Detail the use of multi-view drawings
  • Examine the use of Auxiliary Views
  • Define how Section Views are used
  • Identify the methods of Dimensioning on Drawings
  • Examine the concepts of Machining Specifications and Surface Quality
  • Identify the parts of a Title Block


Presents the methods used to set up and run an experiment. 本课程涉及在工业环境中经常进行的各种实验. 这个班将完成一个有两个因素的实验,然后完成一个有三个因素的实验. 然后对实验进行分析并确定是否存在相关性.


  • Define the concepts of a 实验设计
  • Differentiate the output measures to create a Design of Experiment
  • Identify the eight steps for analysis of effects
  • Calculate the standard deviation of the experiment and effects
  • Graph the significant effects of the experiment
  • 描述对实验设计结果的解释
  • Summarize the results of the experiment
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing


本课程扩展了尺寸机械图纸的基本知识,通过添加形式和特征控制,以便清楚地定义零件. Review of basic dimensioning and tolerancing. Topics, as defined in ANSI Y14.5 m - 2009标准, include geometric tolerancing symbols and terms, rules of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, 基准的, 物质条件符号, tolerances of form and profile, tolerances of orientation and runout, location tolerances and virtual condition.


  • Introduction to geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
  • 形状公差
  • 定向公差
  • Tolerances of profile and runout
  • 最热门的网赌网址大全公差


本课程将向学生提供精益在制造和服务领域的应用. 精益生产是源于丰田生产系统(TPS)的通用过程管理哲学。. The main focus of this philosophy is the reduction of waste, 提高质量,减少生产时间和成本,以提高整体客户价值. 专注于在整个系统中实现顺畅的工作流程也是精益的一个关键方面.


  • The history of Lean and the Toyota Production System
  • Compare how many companies are now using Lean to improve
  • Application of Lean systems in manufacturing and service industries
  • Document a value stream map for a process
  • 识别在制造和服务过程中发现的废物类型
  • 研究5S,防错和可视化管理的概念


本课程将为学生提供有效检验方法的技能和知识. 这将包括正确使用和应用机械检测设备,包括千分尺, 卡尺, surface plate use and other inspection gauging. Accurate inspection data will be gathered and analyzed. 方法改进技能是通过使用分析工具来发展的, 系统设计, and application of quality principles.


  • Describe the concepts of accuracy, precision and reliability
  • Explain the concepts of metrology
  • Examine the use of tolerancing
  • Identify the parts of basic measurement instruments
  • Demonstrate the use of basic measurement instruments
  • Determine the proper care for measurement systems


计量 is the science of measurement. 本课程将通过与可追溯测量标准的比较,分析验证测量和测试设备项目的能力和性能的过程. 这将包括当今工业使用的要求和标准.


  • Characterize calibration standards
  • Conduct a measurement system analysis (MSA)
  • Classify the calibration environment
  • Compare the calibration scheduling systems
  • Explain calibration intervals
  • Conduct an audit of a calibration process


This course will cover the purpose and philosophy of quality audits. 审核的类型包括:产品审核、过程审核和系统审核. The proper reporting of audit results is covered in detail. 该课程的设计遵循ASQ认证质量审核员的标准.


  • Identify the basic terms and concepts used in quality audits
  • Summarize the purpose of audits
  • Explore the types of audits and audit criteria
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of audit participants
  • Determine ethical, legal and professional issues in auditing
  • Formulate the strategies of audit preparation and planning
  • Characterize the concepts of audit performance and reporting
  • Determine the strategies used in audit follow-up and closure


根本原因分析被定义为识别和消除导致绩效变化的基本原因的过程. 本课程的目的是向学生介绍如何使用DMAIC(定义, 测量, 分析, 改善, and Control) methodology of problem solving. 本课程将介绍几种确定根本原因的工具.


  • Define: Understanding the problem and creating a problem statement
  • 测量:数据收集和分析工具(检查表,直方图,帕累托和工作抽样)
  • 分析:根本原因基础,包括五个“全世界最大的网赌网址”,因果关系图
  • 改进:可视化工具的使用,标准化和防错
  • 控制:使用控制计划、控制图和过程认证

课程时长:16学时(基本理解)至45学时不等, 取决于学生的技能.

六西格玛 is a business and data-driven, 在任何类型的过程(无论是制造还是服务)中最小化缺陷的有纪律的方法. Popularized in the mid-90s by companies such as Motorola and GE, 六西格玛在成千上万的公司中得到了广泛的接受, 事实证明,如果实施得当,既节省时间又节省金钱. 本课程旨在为学生提供六西格玛和DMAIC方法的概述.


  • The principles of 六西格玛 application
  • Define Phase: Selecting 六西格玛 projects
  • 测量 Phase: Collecting the data
  • 分析 Phase: 分析 and interpret the data collected
  • 改善 Phase: Tools to make improvements
  • Control Phase: Tools used to ensure the process remains in control